The tradition stays alive in Sturgeon Lake. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, this festive event will take place Polkas and Praise 5 Join us, once again, as many of the area's best polka musicians join ranks to present a program of Polish Koledy (Carols) and some special Christmas polkas. on Sunday, January 5th at St. Isidore's RC Church, 3145 Laketown Rd., Sturgeon Lake, Minn. Music and dancing from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Doors open at noon - and admission is (still) FREE! Food and beverages will be available for sale. Polkas, carols and dancing-a gift to you from St. Isidore's K of C and Minnesota- area polka musicians. Be there and help us wrap up the Christmas season. Directions to St. Isidore's: (From South) Take I-35 north to the Sturgeon Lake exit (Exit 209). Go left off the exit, cross the highway and continue on Laketown Road until it ends. Make a right on Lake Ave. and the first right into the church parking lot. (From North) Take I-35 south to the Sturgeon Lake exit (Exit 209). Go right off the exit and continue on Laketown Road until it ends. Make a right on Lake Ave. and the first right into the church parking lot. The tradition stays alive in Sturgeon Lake . Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus , this festive event will take place Polkas and Praise 5 Join us , once again , as many of the area's best polka musicians join ranks to present a program of Polish Koledy ( Carols ) and some special Christmas polkas . on Sunday , January 5th at St. Isidore's RC Church , 3145 Laketown Rd . , Sturgeon Lake , Minn . Music and dancing from 1 : 00-4 : 00 p.m. Doors open at noon - and admission is ( still ) FREE ! Food and beverages will be available for sale . Polkas , carols and dancing - a gift to you from St. Isidore's K of C and Minnesota- area polka musicians . Be there and help us wrap up the Christmas season . Directions to St. Isidore's : ( From South ) Take I - 35 north to the Sturgeon Lake exit ( Exit 209 ) . Go left off the exit , cross the highway and continue on Laketown Road until it ends . Make a right on Lake Ave. and the first right into the church parking lot . ( From North ) Take I - 35 south to the Sturgeon Lake exit ( Exit 209 ) . Go right off the exit and continue on Laketown Road until it ends . Make a right on Lake Ave. and the first right into the church parking lot .