Designer Handbag B INGO MN Permit #XB-31721 Sat. Oct 28th - 1:00pm $40 (advance). $50 (at door) For tickets call Sandstone Golf 320-245-0471 or Rose 320-630-4477 - Must be 18 - Tickets Non-Refundable Ticket Includes One 13-Game Packet - Additional packets or individual sheets sold separately at event (cash or check-no credit cards) Appetizers Served 13 Games Sandstone Area Golf Course 343 Lark Street, Sandstone Sponsored by Sandstone Area Chamber of Commerce Designer Handbag B INGO MN Permit # XB - 31721 Sat. Oct 28th - 1:00 pm $ 40 ( advance ) . $ 50 ( at door ) For tickets call Sandstone Golf 320-245-0471 or Rose 320-630-4477 - Must be 18 - Tickets Non - Refundable Ticket Includes One 13 - Game Packet - Additional packets or individual sheets sold separately at event ( cash or check - no credit cards ) Appetizers Served 13 Games Sandstone Area Golf Course 343 Lark Street , Sandstone Sponsored by Sandstone Area Chamber of Commerce