Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center NOW HIRING! Part-Time Buildings Manager Hours: 24-32 hrs/week Wage: $24/hr Part-Time Prep Cook Hours: 20-30 hrs/week Wage: $18/hr Full job description at ospreywilds.org/jobs Send a resume to operations@ospreywilds.org 54165 Audubon Drive, Sandstone, MN 55072 | 320-245-2648 Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center NOW HIRING ! Part - Time Buildings Manager Hours : 24-32 hrs / week Wage : $ 24 / hr Part - Time Prep Cook Hours : 20-30 hrs / week Wage : $ 18 / hr Full job description at ospreywilds.org/jobs Send a resume to operations@ospreywilds.org 54165 Audubon Drive , Sandstone , MN 55072 | 320-245-2648