Let us help you with your graduation or wedding food! - Smoked pulled pork - Smoked baby back ribs - Smoked Brisket - Smoked Chicken thighs & legs SCHNEIDER CUSTOM CD MEATS WILD AND D BOMESTIC PROCESSING ASKOV, MN Call 612-968-7280 for pricing Slaughter dates open in May & June www.schneidercustommeats.com 320-838-3669- Cell: 612-968-7280 73741 Jensen Road, Askov, MN 55704 Let us help you with your graduation or wedding food ! - Smoked pulled pork - Smoked baby back ribs - Smoked Brisket - Smoked Chicken thighs & legs SCHNEIDER CUSTOM CD MEATS WILD AND D BOMESTIC PROCESSING ASKOV , MN Call 612-968-7280 for pricing Slaughter dates open in May & June www.schneidercustommeats.com 320-838-3669- Cell : 612-968-7280 73741 Jensen Road , Askov , MN 55704