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  • Published Date

    February 23, 2025
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BECKERS ANGUS DAVE & ROSE BECKER BRIAN & REBECCA BECKER 38763 Rutabaga Rd, Askov, MN 55704 Home: (320) 838-3162 Dave Becker: (320) 216-5029 WWW.BECKERSANGUS.COM Live Auctions.TV BECKERS ANGUS Genetics You Can Count 4th Annual Bull and Female Production Sale Selling Yearling Performance Angus Bulls and Females SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2025 AT THE FARM, ASKOV, MN 1:00 PM All these animals sell on sale day! S Beckers Blackcap Lady 2458 Reg: 21117649 Sire: Beckers Growth Fund 2208 Beckers Rachel 2453 Reg: 21105798 Sire: Beckers Super Colossal 2136 Fall Beckers Colossal 2365 Reg: 21123934. Sire: Beckers Super Colossal 2136 Calving Ease! Beckers Growth Fund 2420 Reg: 21107263. Sire: Deer Valley Growth Fund Beckers Growth Fund 2424 Reg: 21107266 Sire: Deer Valley Growth Fund Calving Ease! Beckers Jumbo 2427 Reg: 21107267 Sire: Musgrave Jumbo Calving Ease! Beckers Converse 2436 Reg: 21110247 - Sire: LT Converse 8011 Beckers Converse 2448 Reg: 21117651 Sire: LT Converse 8011 Calving Ease! Beckers Incentive 2421 Reg: 21110294 Sire: SITZ Incentive 704H FEATURED SIRES INCLUDE CONVERSE, GROWTH FUND, RESILIENT, EMERALD, JUMBO, FAIR-N-SQUARE, INCENTIVE, SUPER COLOSSAL AND MORE. Follow us on Facebook: Beckers Angus For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Manager, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF, ALEX POPPLEWELL, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, PO Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone: (816) 532-0811. Fax: (816) 532-0851. E-Mail: BECKERS ANGUS DAVE & ROSE BECKER BRIAN & REBECCA BECKER 38763 Rutabaga Rd , Askov , MN 55704 Home : ( 320 ) 838-3162 Dave Becker : ( 320 ) 216-5029 WWW.BECKERSANGUS.COM Live Auctions.TV BECKERS ANGUS Genetics You Can Count 4th Annual Bull and Female Production Sale Selling Yearling Performance Angus Bulls and Females SATURDAY , MARCH 8 , 2025 AT THE FARM , ASKOV , MN 1:00 PM All these animals sell on sale day ! S Beckers Blackcap Lady 2458 Reg : 21117649 Sire : Beckers Growth Fund 2208 Beckers Rachel 2453 Reg : 21105798 Sire : Beckers Super Colossal 2136 Fall Beckers Colossal 2365 Reg : 21123934. Sire : Beckers Super Colossal 2136 Calving Ease ! Beckers Growth Fund 2420 Reg : 21107263. Sire : Deer Valley Growth Fund Beckers Growth Fund 2424 Reg : 21107266 Sire : Deer Valley Growth Fund Calving Ease ! Beckers Jumbo 2427 Reg : 21107267 Sire : Musgrave Jumbo Calving Ease ! Beckers Converse 2436 Reg : 21110247 - Sire : LT Converse 8011 Beckers Converse 2448 Reg : 21117651 Sire : LT Converse 8011 Calving Ease ! Beckers Incentive 2421 Reg : 21110294 Sire : SITZ Incentive 704H FEATURED SIRES INCLUDE CONVERSE , GROWTH FUND , RESILIENT , EMERALD , JUMBO , FAIR - N - SQUARE , INCENTIVE , SUPER COLOSSAL AND MORE . Follow us on Facebook : Beckers Angus For your free reference sale booklet , contact anyone in the office of the Sale Manager , TOM BURKE , KURT SCHAFF , ALEX POPPLEWELL , AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME , at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS , PO Box 660 , Smithville , MO 64089-0660 . Phone : ( 816 ) 532-0811 . Fax : ( 816 ) 532-0851 . E - Mail :